Fan Club - TV Smith and The Adverts (an interview with TJ)

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Fan Club - TV Smith and The Adverts (an interview with TJ)

Post by driverorpassenger »

An interview with "our own" Tim Sundown (anyone remember Tj???)! Released on a French website (don't panic, it's in English): ... verts.html

Really nice how he looks back on the TUTS "Earthbound" meetings and all:
Is there a big community of fans of this band? If yes, do you meet sometimes?

There was a TV Smith (Explorers) fan club mentioned in Dave Thompson’s TV Times fanzine. Dave was probably the first TV Smith super fan, along with the likes of Dave ‘C5’ Allen. In 2001/2 a group of TV Smith fans (including C5) created the TUTS TVSmith United Tour Supporters fan club. I was the founder member working very closely with fellow founder Klaus. Klaus was another super fan. He created the first TV Smith website. Every year for a decade we would meet for a global Earthbound gig in England and in Germany mainly arranged by myself and Klaus. Fleagle, Simse and Uli also arranged one each of these TUTS Earthbound conventions.

Tell us your favourite anecdote related to this passion, what is your best memory?

My favourite memories are singing on stage with TV Smith and Colin Stoner (as well as Stoner and Strange) at the Exploring Madness shows in Doncaster and Leeds. They are equal favourite memories with all of the TUTS Earthbound fan club conventions, especially all the ones at Elland Brewery in Yorkshire. They were simply magical. So many rare songs played too. Two hundred of them over the years if you include TV’s live shows on Zoom and Facebook during the pandemic lockdown.
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