1992 - Ship in a Bottle

Back in the UK TV played a Tour in November, again very small Venues. Except for a Festival with Tom Tobinson in September. 

Tourdates 1992

Date Country City Venue Support Setlist Comment
20.11.1992 UK Hebden Bridge Traders Club No
19.11.1992 UK Birmingham Library Theatre No
18.11.1992 UK Portsmouth Wedgeweood Rooms No
17.11.1992 UK Brighton Zap Club No
15.11.1992 UK Petersborough Gaslight No
14.11.1992 UK Hull Poetry Festival at Queens Hotel No
13.11.1992 UK Hull Adelphi No
12.11.1992 UK London Harlseden, Mean Fiddler No
11.11.1992 UK Bath Central Library No
01.09.1992 UK Edinbourgh Edinbourgh Festival No with Tom Robinson