March of the Giants

1992 made a big change. For the first Time he was on Tour Solo, without a Band. Together with Atilla the Stockbroker he toured throught Germany and played gigs in small Pubs. Because "Die Toten Hosen" released the "Learing English Lesson One" a year before there were even some People at the Gigs. The Tour was organised my Pamp, mostly known for the Band Garden Gang. In November there was a second Tour in the UK.

Also TV worked and released his second Solo Album, again with the Help of some friends. "March of the Giants" was released in the End of 1992 by Cooking Vinyl.

Die Toten Hosen took some Bands from the Album on Tour with them. But not TV.

Over the next 7 Years, thre were 2 Solo Albums more, 2 Singles, one EP. and Many many classic songs were written. 

But the Venues stayed small, and some years there weren't many Gigs. In 1998 and 1999 TV got to Tour more as Support for the Garden Gang and Attila the Stockbroker on his German Tour.