Cast of Thousands

Their last Single during their existence. "Cast of Thousands" as A-Sides comes alone with "I will walk you home" as B-Side, the first and the last song of the Album. 

According to some Reviews from 1979, the Fans and Journalists where shocked, the Songs are so complete different what the Adverts were standing for. Rough and Chaotic Live performances in 1977, here we get chourus, keyboards, slow and long Guitar work. 

Both Songs are very long compared to fast and short numbers like Safety in Numbers or No Time to be 21. 

It was not a real surprise that the Single sold terribly, and the Band more or less broke up.

The Adverts was

Lyrics: TV Smith

Bass: Gaye Advert

Guitar: Howard Pickup

Drums: Rod Latter

Keyboards: Tim Cross

Producer: Tom Newman