03.06.2002 - London, Punkaid launch at S*M*E*R*S*H


Titel With Comment
One Chord Wonders
No Time to be 21
New Church
Immortal Rich
This Year, next Year...
The Future used to be better
One Million Pounds
Thin green line
The Day we caught big Fish
Lion and the Lamb
I know what you want
Gary Gilmore's Eyes
Bored Teenagers

Review by Mrs Fleagle

Review by Mrs Fleagle:
See also set of photos taken by Mrs Fleagle!


Having stumbled on the correct road, we were a bit anxious at the lack of likely looking buildings.  Fortunately for the Fleagles, Pk was lurking outside the doorway of Smersh, a rather inconspicuous building, apart from the front of a scooter coming out of the wall above the window.

PK led us down to the basement. It was a small area, painted bright red, with subdued lighting and lots of Russian memorabilia, including military caps, we were all tempted to pinch one and give it to PK as an alternative chauffeurs cap, but we all thought better of it.  In the basement we met up with TV, TV’s in-laws, Steve (the fish) and Jo (Mrs Fish).  We secured beers then were entertained by Steve and Jo’s tales of their sexploits and Steve’s many amusing stories.  Everyone was also insistent we went to the toilets and see all the pictures stuck over the walls.  Alas by the sounds of it the ladies was not as well decorated as the men’s and it wasn’t a place you wanted to hang around in too long.

Given the size of the place and the many people now coming in, it started to get very warm, so we retired outside.  We secured a spot outside a large pub that alas was closed.  Steve continued to amuse us with his stories.  At this point there was still no sign of Klaus, however soon a weary looking Klaus strolled up.  When questioned as to where he had been he was reluctant to divulge any information.  It was eventually decide he had either been to see Cliff Richard or to Soho.

It was whilst outside that the ‘Great Star & Dodgy Chauffeur’ picture was conceived.  I can’t remember who first spotted the Jag, but it was a photo opportunity not to be missed.  TV decided it would look better if he had his guitar so he popped back in got his guitar case, PK went and got his cap and the rest is history.  Whilst outside TV was heard to say ‘I don’t think I’ll bother playing it’s much more fun out here’, yes Steve was still reeling off his witty tales.

It was now time for TV to play.  He was going to play in the even smaller bar upstairs (street level).  The question that had been nagging me all night ‘where is the stage?’ was soon answered, there WASN’T one.  The corner where TV’s guitar was standing was the most inadequate corner I had ever seen, and by now was crammed full of TUTS. However, TV grabbed his guitar and with gazelle like dexterity was soon up on his makeshift stage a bench.  We were then treated to the following songs, One Chord Wonders, Gary Gilmours Eyes, Bored Teenagers, No Time to be 21, Thin Green Line, Lion and the Lamb, One Million Pounds, Immortal Rich, The Big Fish, The Future Used to Look Better and more…….no pen and paper no TJ.  Not only were we treated to the high kicks, a feat I believe none of us dreamed the great man would attempt on a bench, but he also cleverly avoided banging his head on the lights situated only inches away. 

The only downside was some blonde bird with a big mouth that talked most of the way through TV’s set, and in such a small room she was pretty loud and clear.  However, Jo politely reprimanded her when TV had finished.  It was just as well it was polite because she was the only one with a pen.  The pen was needed for the signing of the Punk Aid album, which we had all bought.  

The evening flew by and soon it was time for us to catch the tube, and say goodbye to the lovely people we had met and, had enjoyed the company of over the last 5 days.

Mrs Fleagle

Pictures by Fleagles

Pictures by Klaus