2020 - Surfing the Second Wave

In August Germany and the UK opened a bit, but still no Gigs! There was a little light on the horizon. Vaccinations. But those came pretty slow and there wasn't Gigs possible. All UK and German Gigs got cancelled.

There was a little Hope for the Stiff Little Fingers Tour, but in the End those got cancelled too. Again.

Tourdates 2020

Date Country City Venue Support Setlist Comment
05.09.2020 UK Newcastle Academy for Stiff Little Fingers No Cancelled by Covid-19
04.09.2020 UK Manchester Academy for Stiff Little Fingers No Cancelled by Covid-19
03.09.2020 UK Portsmouth Pyramids for Stiff Little Fingers No Cancelled by Covid-19
22.08.2020 Germany Kusel Schalander No Cancelled by Covid-19
21.08.2020 Germany Frankfurt Cave No Cancelled by Covid-19
20.08.2020 Germany Dortmund Hafenschänke Subrosa No Cancelled by Covid-19
19.08.2020 Germany Arnstadt Prinzenhofkeller No Cancelled by Covid-19
17.08.2020 Germany Berlin Club Toast Hawaii No Cancelled by Covid-19
12.08.2020 Switzerland Avenches Amphitheatre No Cancelled by Covid-19
09.08.2020 UK Nottingham Rock City for Stiff Little Fingers No Cancelled by Covid-19
08.08.2020 UK Blackpool Waterloo Music Bar No Cancelled by Covid-19
07.08.2020 UK Blackpool Rebellion Festival No Cancelled by Covid-19
06.08.2020 UK Blackpool Waterloo Music Bar No Cancelled by Covid-19